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University of Bologna - Project coordinator

For information on the Reconow project please contact

The RecoNow project builds on the past experience of several EU projects that tackled, among others, recognition of qualifications and credential evaluation issuesin the field of higher education and development of university international cooperation through joint study programmes. These projects are:

Bridge - Best RecognitionInstruments for the Dialogue between Global Experts
Erasmus Mundus Action 3 Programme

Interhed – The Internationalisation of Higher Education
Erasmus Mundus Action 3 Programme

Joiman - Joint Degree Management and AdministrationNetwork
– Lifelong Learning Programme

Joi.Con - Joint Programme Management – Conferences andTraining
– Lifelong Learning Programme


  • UNESCO’S GLOBAL PACT ON RECOGNITION OF DEGREES: UNESCO’s section for higher education is planning to move forward on a global convention that would promote cross-border cooperation beyond the regional level. The text is intended to be articulated with the regional conventions already in place (including the one for Arab states) and will seek to develop a global recognition system for diplomas and degrees.
  • UNIVERSITY WORLD NEWS: An Erasmus-style exchange programme for the Arab world gained ground at the second Arab-Euro higher education conference held in Jordan last June. One of the obstacles to focus on is the recognition of studies.
  • NEW REPORT ON MIGRATION AND YOUTH: The chapter on “Migration and Tertiary Education” indicates that the number of youth studying abroad is growing rapidly, creating a need for international cooperation and regulatory agreements to oversee quality control of higher education and accreditation frameworks. It stresses dialogue and cooperation among countries to acknowledge educational qualifications obtained in other countries, improve quality and harmonise standards of cross-border tertiary education, particularly by regional frameworks on accreditation, qualifications and quality assurance.
  • MED-MOBIL PROJECT: Med-mobil has as a main objective to contribute to a sustainable and harmonious cooperation process and promote dialogue in the Mediterranean Sea Basin by outlining, testing and supporting a multistakeholders Mediterranean mobility framework that would facilitate educational, cultural and economic exchange as well as social cohesion.